Opera GX Village is the ultimate gamers paradise. Now you can test it first!

Today, Opera GX takes a step from browser development towards property development. The idea behind Opera GX Village is to create a dream residential community for professional gamers and creators, built with their very specific lifestyles in mind; a futuristic-utopia, where every home is furnished with top of the line gaming setups, decor, LEDs and fully customizable, just like the Opera GX browser – but translated into a home.
Every home in Opera GX Village will provide its residents with the ultimate gaming environment. From incredible top-end gaming setups in every single room (and we mean every room), more LEDs than an esports final, the highest internet speeds imaginable, plus an in-room food delivery service, so you’ll never have to hit pause when you need to eat.
While GX village is a pilot exploration of the idea, one lucky winner can win an all expenses paid trip to stay in the incredible prototype house in Andorra from 6th May to 8th May, where they’ll get to spend the weekend living like a famous gamer.
To enter, simply share a video, image or text on Twitter telling us why your gaming background makes you the perfect first resident, tagging @operagxofficial and #operagxvillage. The most creative entry will win. Click the link below to learn more.