Discover more with Opera 15

With Opera 15 for computers, finding the newest content around the world no longer needs time-consuming browsing.
Opera has always provided a browser that acts as the user's partner in discovering new things. And with Opera 15, finding interesting web content is easier with Discover.
The Discover feature is a curated list of top websites in a range of languages and subjects. Choose your fields of interest and country, and let Discover do the legwork of bringing you the latest news in those categories. The list is updated constantly to verify the quality of sites and content; so that stories that come up on top of the page changes in order to show you the hottest and newest content in real time.
The Discover tab comes up right away in the welcome screen. Story category can be selected on the left – from Top Stories, to Health, Sports, Arts, and many others. Country and language category can be chosen on the right.
Let's try the Science section, with Global – English in the language category.
A news article about Acute Oak Decline from is on the top page. Here, you learn that symptoms of Acute Oak Decline can be seen when a dark fluid oozes out from tree trunks. This disease can lead to the death of trees, and is feared to be spreading widely in the Midlands and South East of England. A morning update to start the day.
An hour or two later, the top story on the same category would be from about America wanting to build a theme park on the moon. A bill has been entered in the House of Representatives of the U.S., detailing a proposal on building what they would call the "Apollo Lunar Landing Sites National Historical Park" on the moon.
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