The new Opera browser for Android 52 comes now with PDF handling and improved VPN

With version 51 we introduced the VPN feature in Opera browser for Android, and the feedback from people using it has been fantastic. Inspired by that, we set out to improve on the feature even more while ensuring that our infrastructure is prepared to handle the increased traffic. Version 52 of the Opera browser for Android contains several under-the-hood improvements, as well as improved error handling with more informative messaging.
PDF support
Need to print or save a ticket, or a booking confirmation from a website? The Opera browser now has support to print or save any page to a PDF document for easy storing or forwarding. Save to PDF can be found directly in the three dot menu while the print option is accessed via the share function.

New tab gallery
We have also given the tab gallery some love, giving it a new look and feel, with improved tab switching and tab creation.

On the video front there has been work to improve MP4 media playback, fixing issues with some specific formats that previously had trouble playing properly. If you sometimes get annoyed by autoplaying videos making noise you’ll be glad to see that we have introduced support for autoplay settings.
As always, this release contains various smaller improvements and fixes of both the cosmetic kind as well as stability. We hope you enjoy it!