Updates in Opera Touch: a new search widget on Android and a way to secure My Flow on iOS

We have two exciting updates for you – one on Android and one on iOS. If you have an Android device, you are now be able to perform searches directly from your home screen. If you use iOS, you can safeguard the My Flow feature the same way you unlock your iOS system – using Face ID or your Touch ID (fingerprint).
Protect your My Flow on iOS – with your fingerprint or Face ID

My Flow is your stream of files, links, notes and images you share with yourself built into Opera Touch. You can access it from the browser’s main screen by swiping from left to right. We built it after noticing that people were using messengers to send notes to themselves. My Flow also connects with the Opera browser on your desktop, keeping your browsers in perfect sync.
The good news is, you can now add extra protection to My Flow on iOS. In settings, you can click Protect access to My Flow and choose whether you want it to be locked after 15 minutes or always. Once you switch it on – My Flow will ask you for your fingerprint or Face ID before unlocking it.
If you’re interested, we have some handy tips and tricks for you to read that will help you use Opera Touch more efficiently.
Search directly from your home screen on Android – with the Opera Touch widget.

Opera Touch was built for you to be able to quickly search for and access the web content you need. With this update, searching has become even easier. After adding the Opera Touch widget to your Android device’s home screen, you can perform searches in Opera Touch directly from there.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this post and that you enjoy Opera Touch. Happy browsing!