Opera 102.0.4880.38 beta update

Hello one and all!
Today we’re bringing you the latest update for Opera 102 Beta. In this release, we’ve addressed several issues and made some improvements to enhance your browsing experience. Let’s take a closer look at the changelog highlights:
- We have fixed an issue where the minimize/maximize frame button was not refreshing properly on Windows. Now, you can enjoy a smoother and more responsive browsing experience.
- We resolved an issue where the sidebar panel was increasing in size every time it was reopened.
- We fixed a Player problem where the music logo was unreadable when hovered over.
- We have resolved an issue specific to Mac users where the browser was closing after closing the last tab in a workspace.
- We fixed an animation issue where the Tab Island animation was incorrect when the tab-strip was full.
Here is the full changelog for this release. Happy browsing!
Installation links:
- Opera beta for Windows (By using the Opera beta for Windows installer, you accept the Opera for Computers EULA)
- Opera beta for macOS
- Opera beta for Linux – deb packages
- Opera beta for Linux – RPM packages
- Opera beta for Linux – snap package