Opera 78.0.4066.0 developer update

We’re happy to share some nifty updates with you today. To start off, we’re adding a new feature that we’ve been testing, called Pinboards.
Pinboards is a place to gather links, images, notes and other ideas in a natural, intuitive way in your browser. Not only can you collect links, but you can easily share them and gather reactions.
How do you get started? Just go to opera://pinboard and start creating. If you find something interesting while browsing, just save it to Pinboards using the pinboard icon in your address bar or context menu (tab context menu or image context menu).
Video conferencing popout

This is a new feature that makes your remote work even easier. When you are video-conferencing in a browser tab, like using Google Meet, a button will appear on the tab. The button can be clicked to Detach the tab.
The effect is similar to our Video popout functionality: the contents of the tab are displayed in a separate, smaller window which is always on top. That way, the video-conferencing tab stays visible while you do other things in your browser.
When finished, you can simply close the popout. This puts the tab content back in its original place.
Chromecast support

Rather than using extensions, we’ve switched to native integration for Chromecast. We’ve also removed region restrictions and the need to enable Chromecast functionality from Settings.
Now the Chromecast option is immediately available in the context menu when clicking on a video.
Those are all the highlights for this update. For the full list of changes, take a look here.
Installation links:
- Opera developer for Windows (Using the Opera developer for Windows installer means you have accepted the Opera for Computers EULA)
- Opera developer for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera developer for macOS
- Opera developer for Linux – deb packages
- Opera developer for Linux – RPM packages
- Opera developer for Linux – snap package