Opera 52.0.2871.20 release candidate

Opera 52 beta is nearing its stable phase. We hope there are no serious bugs in here, and that you will find this build Opera 52 satisfying! Until it reaches the stable version, here are some final, quick highlights:
- Chromium has been updated to 65.0.3325.146
- New translations are integrated
- Fix for macOS users with TouchBar (opening new tabs won’t be slow anymore when a text field is focused)
- Spinner and mute icons have been properly scaled for DPI > 225%
Please take a look at the changelog.
Installation links:
- Opera beta for Windows (Using Opera beta for Windows installer means Opera for Computers EULA is accepted)
- Opera beta for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera beta for macOS
- Opera beta for Linux – deb packages
- Opera beta for Linux – RPM packages