Opera 51.0.2796.0 developer update

Hi all,
Today’s developer build includes quite a few bug fixes and refinement, especially for tabs and ad blocker.
This week’s highlights:
- The Never Stop Loading bug is fixed
- Tabs fixes in dark mode
- Fix for no favicons in Bookmarks bar
A special thanks to Regnas and M92 this week for pointing out these bugs to us. We appreciate you and all our users for keeping a sharp eye on any problems encountered 🙂
Chromium was updated to 64.0.3269.3.
The changelog.
Installation links
- Opera developer for Windows (Using Opera developer for Windows installer means Opera for Computers EULA is accepted)
- Opera developer for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera developer for macOS
- Opera developer for Linux – deb packages
- Opera developer for Linux – RPM packages