Opera developer 47

Recently, we have been busy with stable and beta updates, but today it’s time to update the developer channel. Today’s build is the first from the Opera 47 line, equipped with the new chromium 60.0.3095.5. Here are things worth mentioning:
- Sometimes, the map was not visible on airbnb.com if ad blocker was turned on. Now it’s fixed and you can book your holiday 🙂
- This build includes a bunch of languages fixes, especially the ones you spotted and reported
- Visual fixes for some annoying glitches (you might not have spotted them, but we did)
- Video pop out gets more tweaks
- [macOS] Sidebar extensions have regained focus and are working correctly again
- [macOS] Full screen is not broken anymore after auto-playing videos on YouTube
- New check intervals for personal news: 3 and 6 hours
- Bookmarks pop up sometimes contained “Finished” button while “View in Bookmarks” was expected – fixed
- Bookmarks manager didn’t allow to restore folder from the trash bin – fixed
- [Windows] [Security] We added .scf to the risky file extensions list
- ‘Blinking address’ issue is fixed (some of you complained on that)
- @Nico we fixed “Über%tragen…” in context menus – you’re welcome! 😉
See the list of all changes in the changelog.
Installation links:
- Opera developer for Windows (Using Opera developer for Windows installer means Opera for Computers EULA is accepted)
- Opera developer for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera developer for macOS
- Opera developer for Linux – deb packages
- Opera developer for Linux – RPM packages