Opera developer 43.0.2412.0. update

Today we’ve got developer update for you.
You can check how address bar speculative prerenderer works on google.com site. As a reminder – when you type something, the browser uses the previous behavior to predict which web site you intend to load. If it finds a match, it will start loading that website in the background. Previous behavior means all previous address bar inputs which led to loading a specific web site. Also when you search for something, it will load the results likely to be clicked, in the background. Please note that this feature is not working on address bar yet.
There are many video popout fixes included.
More detailed description in the full changelog as always.
Installation links:
- Opera developer for Windows
- Opera developer for Windows x64
- Windows Opera Portable installer
- Opera developer for Mac
- Opera developer for 32-bit Linux – deb file
- Opera developer for 64-bit Linux – deb file
- Opera developer for 32-bit Linux – RPM file
- Opera developer for 64-bit Linux – RPM file