Opera developer 42.0.2392.0 update

In today’s Opera developer release, we’ve got a number of new features for you.
Currency converter
Have you ever wondered how much this new gizmo you see on foreign shopping site is in your local value? It’s easy now to answer this question with the new Opera feature – currency converter. Our search popup has been upgraded with an automatic currency converter to the currency matched by your location. Just select the value with currency symbol (e.g. $10, 100 Kč) and check the value in the popup. It’s that easy – no need to search for exchange rate calculators online. We’re currently supporting 32 currencies from the European Central Bank.
Known issues: the feature may not work straight away on a clean profile (after the first installation), so please restart the browser to see the feature in action.
Usability improvements: do not annoy me
Sometimes, when you run an application for the first time, everything feels so new that you simply need some time to look around and get familiar with it. We’d like to make this first time experience as user-friendly as possible for our new users. That’s why we have decided to remove or delay displaying some information, pop-outs and hints. We’ve also provided a number of usability enhancements, for example the simplified bookmarks structure or a different logic for showing the sync and tab icons.
The Network Installer for 64-bit Opera
Some time ago we released the 64-bit offline version of Opera for Windows. Since then, we’ve worked hard to make it fully functional and now are able to present the Network Installer for 64-bit builds. This is the well known network installer you already use to install Opera, but this version is smart enough to install the best option for you. In other words, it detects the architecture it’s run on, and installs either the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Opera. Moreover, it’s able to upgrade (please don’t confuse with “auto-update”) from the 32-bit to the 64-bit version. After the upgrade, the 32-bit version is removed from the system. Of course it will keep your profile, so your data is protected, and the transition is smooth (you may not even notice it).
For these who don’t want to change their version, we’ve left an option to prevent the transition:
But please keep in mind that two Operas on the system share the same profile. If you try to uninstall one of them, don’t remove “user data”, or the second Opera will start with the clean profile.
Personalized newsreader
In the latest developer version, you can also get a blue dot notification over the newspaper icon whenever there’s some new content in “My sources”. Discovering new articles works with sources from the catalog as well as the custom web feeds. In settings, you can configure how often the check is going to happen, or disable it completely if you don’t need it.
Push messages
With the push messages support, you can take advantage of the so called Push Notifications technique, which allows your website to send notifications to people even if they are not browsing your website at the moment. To find out more, check out the really nice description on the Google Developers blog.
Navigation bar context menu
It’s a small yet useful change: now, you can configure your Speed Dial navigation bar by the context menu. Just right-click the sidebar and configure which menu items you want visible.
Known issues
- The browser will crash when turning VPN on and off. We’re already working on this.
- On Windows 10, it will be impossible to set the new Opera developer as default after the 32-bit to 64-bit switch. The workaround for now would be to uninstall the 32-bit version manually first and install the new version only then.
Chromium has been updated to the 55.0.2883.19 version.
Installation links:
- Opera developer for Windows
- Windows Opera Portable installer
- Opera developer for MacOS
- Opera developer for 32-bit Linux – deb file
- Opera developer for 64-bit Linux – deb file
- Opera developer for 32-bit Linux – RPM file
- Opera developer for 64-bit Linux – RPM file
Please check out the full changelog for details.