Quick Opera Stable 35.0.2066.92 update

How’s the weather out there? Here, as I write these words, it is yet another dark day with heavy sleet pouring down from the sky and equally dark slosh on the streets. Charming. Come on, winter, behave yourself, it’s March already!
Back to the business though. Today’s quick stability and performance update fixes the following issues:
- DNA-49372 – Opera stops responding/freezes on various sites on Windows 10
The infamous issue on Windows 10 should now be gone. Please check whether your Twitter, Facebook and similar sites work for you. - DNA-47405 – Monitor won’t go sleep when Opera has animated theme
Your machine should now utilize the display sleep mode when the animated theme is in use. - DNA-43687 – [Linux] Mosaic of tab bar artifacts instead of Web UIs when hardware accelerated
We’ve finally made it. Linux users, please let us know if you still have any visual artifacts when using hardware acceleration.
Installation links:
The changelog, which contains only the fixes mentioned above, can be found here.