Add your favorite sites to your Android home screen with the latest Opera 32 for Android

This morning, we’ve released Opera 32 for Android, which is powered by Chromium 45 and comes with a nice set of new features.
Add any site to the home screen
It is now possible to add any of your favorite sites to the home screen of your Android phone, for extra-fast access.
You can easily do this by navigating to the site in question, and then tapping on the plus sign on the left of the address & search bar; then, select “Add to home screen”, tap “Add”, and you’ll see a nice-looking icon appear on your home screen.
If a web app is served over HTTPS and it has a special manifest or specific meta tags, it will even launch just like an app, without any browser UI. You can try this out by adding these sites to the home screen:
Each of these web apps will have a native app look and feel, and, in the task switcher, they’ll even appear as separate apps, bringing web apps ever closer to native apps.
High quality images for Discover
We’ve improved the image quality in the Discover feature. If you’re using a hi-res Android phone, you’ll now get much sharper images with each story, making for a more pleasant reading experience.
Synced typed history
We’re continuing to evolve our synchronization feature: now, in addition to Speed Dial, bookmarks, and tabs, you can sync typed history. This means that you get easy access on mobile to addresses you have typed on desktop, both in the history page and in the address auto-complete drop-down.
In addition to tapping the refresh icon in the address bar, you can now refresh a page simply by pulling it down with the flick of a finger. This allows for super-quick page refreshes, even on installed web apps without a visible browser UI.
That’s it! Let us know what you think, and share how you’ll use this new “Add to home screen” functionality!