Opera beta 47.0.2631.28 update

All changes for this beta release are listed below:
- DNA-61764 Tooltips of sidebar icons are shifting when hovering over them.
- DNA-62111 Cleanup tracking data handling to make it possible to rewrite it on the fly
- DNA-62204 [Win] Only quarter of sync icon is visible
- DNA-62386 O47 translations integrate with master O48
- DNA-62387 O47 translations integrate with master Chromium O48
- DNA-62562 Ensure MediaRouter is disabled
- DNA-62600 Invalid WinInet responses on developer
The regular changelog is here as usual.
Installation links:
- Opera beta for Windows (Using Opera beta for Windows installer means Opera for Computers EULA is accepted)
- Opera beta for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera beta for macOS
- Opera beta for Linux – deb packages
- Opera beta for Linux – RPM packages