Opera Developer 24: Tab preview

You already got a sneak peek (pun intended) of the feature I’ll be announcing in this blog post. However, along with Mac support here is the official feature introduction.
Remember the survey about tab improvements we asked you to fill out? Thank you for participating. With Opera Developer 24 we now introduce tab preview.
Too many tabs opened? Tab preview helps you open the tab you’re looking for because it gives you a peek into each page, making it easier for you to switch from tab to tab.
It also helps you manage your browsing time better. You can, for example, look at the preview of your Google Mail or Facebook wall without actually switching to that tab.
You activate it by hovering over a tab or by switching tabs using the keyboard. Try it, we think using it feels natural. Does it get in the way? When and how? If it does, please tell us! Please include details on your input device (mouse, trackpad, etc.)
High DPI support
We’re also happy to announce that Opera now looks nice and crisp on high DPI (low physical dimensions, high resolution) displays. Updated visuals are enabled by default if you happen to own such display device. Don’t forget to report any visual/usability issues you may encounter!
Known issues:
- Freeze on some Adobe Flash videos with HiDPI enabled
- Printing broken on Windows
- Opera Developer for Windows
- Opera Developer offline package for Windows
- Opera Developer for Mac
- Opera Developer for Linux