
Avatars, vote up function and more in Opera forums

If you want to join discussions or even start a discussion about Opera products, head on over to forums.opera.com.

We know that sometimes going to a forum can seem like going into the wilderness; you’re surrounded by questions and answers in different languages. Don’t worry. Opera forums are easy to use.

Here’s why:

We’ve categorized the discussion threads by our products so you can easily find what you’re looking for.

But that’s not all. We’ve also made it possible for you to choose your own language. There are two language options:
1. Choose which language to use in the discussion thread.
2. Choose which language forums.opera.com will show.

We’ve also added a voting feature. You can now vote comments up or down. Use the thumbs-up or thumbs-down buttons on the right:

And, you can sort comments based on the votes.

Now for all you prima donnas out there, it’s easier to choose a new avatar, either by using your own or choosing one of the 15 predefined avatars.

Enjoy the new Opera forums experience!

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